Shop #1 today is Shea Chick Soap Co on Etsy. Just look at the Geeky Adorableness. And thos Bath Bombs look super delicious. I think I need. Price for Bombs is great too. So head over to the shop now because her order deadline is pretty soon.
Running out of Time but Not running out of Shops so I'll be featuring 2 shops each post. Shop #1 today is Shea Chick Soap Co on Etsy. Just look at the Geeky Adorableness. And thos Bath Bombs look super delicious. I think I need. Price for Bombs is great too. So head over to the shop now because her order deadline is pretty soon. Shop #2 is Kits on Etsy. What a great shop to get a unique gift. Everything is literature inspired. Jewelry, jewelry boxes and other little trinkets. See samples below and run there now to see if she had your favorite book.
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AuthorMaster Maker at A Little Geeky and well, I'm a little geeky. I love all things genre inspired from geek to goth and maybe even a little hipster thrown in for giggles. Archives
January 2017